Sunday, August 16, 2015

Bringing Relief to Flood Devastated Myanmar

CBN Humanitarian and Disaster Relief teams are bringing aid to the people of Myanmar. The nation was devastated by massive flooding responsible for the deaths of more than 100 people - and displacing at least 300,000.
In the wake of the severe flooding people are suffering from food shortages, especially in hard to reach villages.

Aye Aye Aung and her children were stranded for two weeks because of the flood waters.
Aung told CBN News  ," I was very scared and my children were crying. We sat on the bed waiting for people to come and give us food."
CBN relief teams provided goods to close to 300 families inside the village in Mandalay.
"Thank you for the food. This is a big help to us. My daughter is very happy with her new blanket," said Aung.
U Chit Thin, the village humanitarian head, also expressed gratitude to CBN for the help.
Thin said, "Thank you CBN. We appreciate your help and your words of encouragement. "
As the efforts continue, CBN Myanmar County Manager Sandy Baratha is looking for ways to minimize future flood damage.
"The flood will happen again and again. From my point of view we need to do rehabilitation projects so they will be relieved from the flood in the future, " said Baratha.
She says relief is about more than just meeting physical needs.
"We want to equip the body of Christ so they can reach and share the love of God in the community," Baratha added.
This latest crisis to hit Myanmar has provided Christians with an unprecedented opportunity to share their faith with the people of the country.

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